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Caregivers Corner � March 2003
Hills Center in Lakeland, Florida is one of a number of nursing homes to
which the Institute provides consultation and support for incorporating
Culture Change into the daily routines of residents and staff. We asked
Sonya Rene� to share her experience as that center�s Culture Change
Coordinator, and to tell us about the �Neighborhood Teams� that they�re
developing at Lakeland Hills. Sonya Rene� began the culture change journey by attending the national conference of the Pioneer Network last summer in Chicago. There she learned about best practices in culture change from around the country that can enhance many aspects of life in long-term care settings. She came away from the conference with an appreciation of the values espoused by the Pioneers, along with a vision for Lakeland Hills Center and many practical ideas to enhance the lives of residents back at home. With the strong support of her administrator, director of nursing and department heads, she embraced her new role, beginning with the development of the first neighborhood team � the Hummingbirds from Emerald Lane. This neighborhood is comprised of the most alert and independent functioning residents along with the unit nurse and nursing assistants involved in their care. Central to the process of planning for change, were personal interviews that Sonya Rene� conducted with each resident of the neighborhood to learn about individual likes and dislikes, hobbies, family, life�s pursuits and issues that were of importance to them. She also began working on raising staff awareness regarding dignity issues that impact on the way in which resident care is provided. Staff began rethinking standard routines, asking common-sense questions � �If I were in my own home, I would�� For instance, in response to the question, �What can be done to make to current bathing and showering routines a less stressful, more enjoyable experience for the residents?� Lakeland decided to provide bath robes to residents � as one way of creating a more personalized and homelike approach. Over the past six months, Sonya Rene� and the Lakeland staff have made great strides as their efforts have been gaining momentum and support. Now Lakeland Hills has in place four neighborhood teams that are tailored to the varying capacities and special needs of their residents: Emerald Lane, Wedgewood Place, Lakeside Drive and Coral Cove Way. The neighborhood teams have taken a fresh approach to activities planning. For example, each of the 4 neighborhoods now holds a planning meeting, and staff assists in developing a calendar of the neighborhood-sponsored activities the residents have chosen for the month. One neighborhood decided to sponsor a block party that was held on the Lakeland Hills front porch. Staff volunteered to bring in special food dishes and residents and staff worked together grilling the hamburgers and hotdogs. A local Blue Grass band provided free entertainment for the party, and residents from all neighborhoods were invited to participate.
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