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Staff Development Directors and In-Service Coordinators understand the challenges of developing, scheduling, conducting and documenting all the necessary in-service requirements that must be met by nursing home employees to maintain regulatory compliance. In-Service Training Solutions includes 30 training topics designed to make this job more manageable.

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Features and Benefits:
The complete instructional package provides the resources to provide consistent, quality employee in-services on a broad range of topics important to long term care workers
Reduces preparation time spent developing course content
Can incorporate Culture Change into your home's current staff development program
Allows for instructor-led classroom training or independent study to help ensure full staff participation
Includes post-tests to document achievement of learning objectives for each topic
Developed by a team of experts in long term care education

In-Service Training Solutions
  Title (min.)


1 Abuse Prevention and Reporting 60 Provides an understanding of what abuse is and residents� rights that abuse violates. Participant will be able to describe 6 forms of abuse and explain what to do if they think they have witnessed abuse.
2 Activities of Daily Living (ADL) 60 Provides an understanding of the importance of accuracy in ADL documentation for reimbursement purposes. Also explores how caregiving can be planned to promote optimal well-being and autonomy with activities of daily living.
3 Behavior Management 30 Provides an understanding of factors that contribute to cognitive impairment in older adults, identify and treat factors that are reversible, and suggest appropriate interventions to promote behavior management while maintaining dignity and quality of life.
4 Bladder Continence 30 Provides an understanding of age-related changes that affect bladder continence. Will discuss briefly how the functioning of the genitourinary system affects bladder continence and examine how important bladder continence is to quality of life in older adults.
5 Bloodborne Pathogens 20 Provides an understanding of the risks associated with bloodborne pathogens and protective measures to be taken.
6 Body Mechanics:  Good Body Mechanics/Employee Safety
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20 Provides an understanding of basic body movements that will help to prevent work-related injuries, and explains the relationship between healthy lifestyle behaviors and employee safety.
7 Bowel Continence 30 Provides an understanding of age-related changes that affect bowel continence, as well as how the functioning of the gastrointestinal system affects bowel continence. The importance of bowel continence to quality of life will also be discussed.
8 Cognitive Impairment:  Caring for the Cognitively Impaired 30 Provides an understanding of factors that contribute to cognitive impairment in older adults, identify and treat factors that are reversible, and suggest appropriate interventions to promote behavior management while maintaining dignity and quality of life.
9 Dehydration and IV Therapy 20 Provides an understanding of factors that pose a risk of dehydration to elders, and discusses ways to prevent dehydration and types of IV lines used in long term care to maintain or regain hydration.
10 Depression 60 Provides an understanding of what clinical depression is, how it may present itself in older residents, and how it can be treated.
11 Fluid & Electrolyte Balance 20 Provides an understanding of the importance of fluid and electrolyte balance in older adults as well as the potential threats to elders of fluid balance.
12 Foot Care 25 Provides an understanding of the potential for foot problems in older adults. These problems, if not addressed, can diminish the overall health and quality of life for seniors.
13 Hospice/Palliative Care/Comfort Care 30 Provides an understanding of interventions associated with end of life care provision, including a review of the �Bill of Rights for the Dying Person,� reviewing the stages of dying, and providing guidance to caregivers on ways to support the resident, family members and themselves through the dying process.
14 Hydration:  Potential for Fluid Imbalance 20 Provides an understanding of the potential threats of hydration related to fluid imbalance in older people.
15 Infection Control 20 Provides an understanding of infection control and prevention guidelines.
16 Meal Provision Goals and Guidelines 30 Provides an understanding of the importance of attentive monitoring of food and fluid intake for older adults to prevent malnutrition and dehydration. Federal and State regulations that assist caregivers in long term care to identify potential problems with nutrition in elders and potential barriers to adequate nutrition are reviewed.
17 Mouth Care 25 Provides an understanding of the potential for mouth problems in older adults. These problems, if not addressed, can diminish the overall health and quality of life for seniors.
18 MSDS/HAZCOM 15 Provides an understanding of the potential hazards posed by working with chemicals and disinfectants and how one can safely protect oneself from possible injury.
19 Nutrition:  Maintaining Nutrition 60 Provides an understanding of the potential for nutrition problems in elders. These problems, if not monitored carefully, can diminish the overall health and quality of life for older adults.
20 Observation, Reporting & Recording 60 Provides an understanding of how the nursing process helps to deliver consistent, quality care for elders. The importance of the nursing assistant�s role in helping develop, carry out and evaluate the plan of care is also discussed.
21 Pain Management 60 Provides an understanding of dimensions of pain in older adults. These issues often cause elders to suffer with unrelieved pain, and that pain significantly impacts their ability to function. Effective control of pain can significantly improve the resident�s quality of life.
22 Pressure Ulcers 60 Provides an understanding of pressure ulcers, risk factors, prevention and treatment. The development of a pressure ulcer in the older resident is difficult to heal and can indicate deficiencies in care provision.
23 Pulmonary Tuberculosis 20 Provides an understanding of why elders in nursing homes are at high risk for developing active TB and how to detect and treat it.
24 Resident�s Rights/Confidentiality 30 Provides an understanding of the importance of maintaining an ethical code of conduct that guides one�s actions and protects and promotes the rights of each resident.
25 Restorative Care � The Road Back 50 Provides an understanding of the potential for impairment in functional abilities in elders. These problems, if not addressed, can diminish the overall health and quality of life that supports independence, dignity and self-esteem for elders.
26 Restraints 60 Provides an understanding of physical and chemical restraints, enablers, assessment, regulations, and documentation requirements.
27 Safety/Accidents and Fall Prevention 60 Provides an understanding of the potential for accidents and injury in elders and how to prevent them. Risk factors, if not properly addressed, can lead to resident injury, a loss of autonomy and independence, and, ultimately, quality of life.
28 Survey:  Understanding and Preparing for the Survey Process 60 Provides an understanding of why it is important to have an oversight agency to monitor the quality of care and quality of life issues of elders. A brief description of the survey process and ways that a nursing home can maintain substantial compliance with Federal and State regulations for the well-being of the elders in its care are discussed.
29 Team Building:  Teams and Interdepartmental Teamwork 60 Provides an understanding of how an effective team functions, how teamwork is more productive than individual efforts, and how interdepartmental cooperation benefits the staff and residents.
30 Weight Monitoring 20 Provides an understanding of why accurate weight monitoring is so important in maintaining physical stability and well-being in elders.

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