Caregivers Corner
August, 2000
Frontline News...
The Journal of Nurse Assistants is a publication with news and
information targeting frontline caregivers. Established in 1994, the Journal is a
practical and readable magazine written by and for nursing assistants and home health
Central to the publication's theme are building professionalism and increasing respect
and recognition for this rapidly emerging and under developed segment of the health care
industry. According to Patrick Cassidy, the Journal's editor, the objectives of the
publication are to:
| Provide a professional forum to enhance the status of nurse assistants and home health
aides as a vital and contributing element in the health care system |
| Inform nurse assistants of legal and legislative changes in their working environment,
and how those changes pertain to the nurse assistants' role in patient care |
| Come to consensus on the important issues affecting nurse assistants and suggest
strategies for goal setting and achievement |
| Educate nurse assistants on proper patient care, personal development, market forces
affecting employment, and therapeutic advances for patients |
| Entertain caregivers and supervisors through letters, personal experiences, and articles
on the positive and happier side of life and caregiving |
Cassidy encourages regular contributions from caregivers. The Journal's many
offerings range from news articles to in-services, with an abundance of good ideas and
helpful caregiving hints for nurse assistants. Recent issues have featured such
topics as conflict management, ten warning signs of caregiver stress, bathing the
aggressive resident, and a spotlight on Career Nurse Assistant Day celebrations. By
highlighting the work of those that care for America's elders, the magazine seeks to
enhance the esteem and professionalism of direct caregivers working in the healthcare
field. |
The Journal of Nurse Assistants
is published quarterly with an annual subscription cost of $25 for four issues. For
more information contact: |