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Caregivers Corner - December 2002
Institute Celebrates 5 Years of Training Nursing Assistants

2002 marks the 5th year that the Institute has conducted its state-approved nursing assistant training program.  During that time, our instructors have taught more than 600 students in Franklin, Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Perry and Montgomery counties, preparing them to become nursing assistants in Pennsylvania.  On average, we begin a new class about every 4 to 6 weeks. 

The Institute�s Director of Educational Services Annette Sanders said, �We are proud of the quality of our training curriculum, and we receive a steady stream of requests from area nursing homes to train newly hired employees.  We are pleased to provide this much needed service to long-term care providers within our local community.�  

Recently the Institute was awarded a grant of more than $20,000 by Summit Endowment in Chambersburg to fund a project involving collaborative efforts among local organizations including The Hispanic American Center, Franklin County Literacy Council and Falling Spring Nursing & Rehabilitation Center.  

Sue Wareham conducting ESL instruction

The goal of the project is to offer English as a Second Language (ESL) and Nursing Assistant training to our area�s growing Latino community.  Many of these individuals need English language preparation before beginning the job-specific training required for employment as nursing assistants.   In a shifting economy, more displaced workers are moving into the healthcare job market from other sectors such as manufacturing and distribution, and we�re grateful for the opportunity to help them successfully make this transition.

According to Michaelene Wiesman, Nurse Aide Instructor and Manager of Caregiver Programs, �It takes a very special person to be a Nurse Aide.  We emphasize that the Nurse Aide is the primary caregiver in long-term care and is, in large part, responsible for the quality of life of the residents.  The centers depend on their knowledge, skills, compassion and personal integrity.� 

This fall the Institute�s Nurse Aide Training program underwent a successful onsite review by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.  We continue to update our curriculum and plan to increase the number of training hours to reflect the expanding importance of the Nurse Aide in long-term care. The enhanced curriculum and course materials will provide increased clarity and relevance for our students.

Michaelene Wiesman teaching skills
to Nursing Assistant program trainees

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