Mentoring for Eldercare Workers: Education within Your Reach

Long term care providers are constantly seeking ways to recruit and improve retention of their newly-hired and long-term employees. Research shows that 40-50% of Nursing Assistants leave before they have completed their 90-day probationary period. Employers have attempted to battle this trend by offering a variety of incentives to improve retention rates during this critical time.

Mentoring Skills Development

Responding to industry need, the Institute has introduced Mentoring for Eldercare Workers: Education within Your Reach.

This 232-page curriculum focuses on improving retention rates for newly hired employees and enriching the work experience of long-term employees.

The 12-hour curriculum is designed to:

Remove barriers that interfere with new employees becoming committed, productive team members
Help experienced employees sharpen their clinical skills and improve job satisfaction
provide consistency of care and quality of life for our elders
Promote relationships that create a community where elders want to live and employees want to work

The Mentoring Program nurtures a stable workforce that contributes to the well being of all involved.

Training Topics

Module 1: Implementing the Mentoring Program "How-To" Guide for Program Developers

Module 2: In-Service for Nursing Home Leaders On Benefits of a Mentoring Program Buy-in of Leadership Team is Essential

Mentoring Program Session Topics
(Six 2-hour sessions)

  1. Why a Mentoring Program is Important; What is a Mentor? Who Benefits?

  2. Qualities of a Good Mentor: Communication, Leadership, Behaviors

  3. Qualities of a Good Mentor: Managing Stress, Time Management

  4. What the Mentee Needs: Integration into the New Work Community

  5. Managing Change with Mentoring: Change Can Be Seen As Opportunity or Danger

  6. Good Mentoring Includes Team Building: Effective Teamwork Promotes Quality of Care

Module 3: In-Service for Mentors & Mentees: Sharing Expectations of the Mentoring Relationship

Module 4: Mentoring In-Service for Mentees: How Mentees Benefit from the Mentoring  Relationship

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