Mentoring Skills Development
Responding to industry need, the Institute has introduced
Mentoring for Eldercare Workers: Education within Your Reach.
This 232-page curriculum focuses on improving retention rates for
newly hired employees and enriching the work experience of long-term
The 12-hour curriculum is designed to:
| Remove barriers that interfere with new employees becoming
committed, productive team members |
| Help experienced employees sharpen their clinical skills and
improve job satisfaction |
| provide consistency of care and quality of life for our elders |
| Promote relationships that create a community where elders want
to live and employees want to work |
The Mentoring Program nurtures a stable workforce that
contributes to the well being of all involved. |
Training Topics
Module 1: Implementing the Mentoring Program
"How-To" Guide for Program Developers
Module 2: In-Service for Nursing Home Leaders On
Benefits of a Mentoring Program Buy-in of Leadership Team is
Mentoring Program Session Topics
(Six 2-hour
Why a Mentoring Program is Important; What is a
Mentor? Who Benefits?
Qualities of a Good Mentor: Communication,
Leadership, Behaviors
Qualities of a Good Mentor: Managing Stress, Time
What the Mentee Needs: Integration into the New Work
Managing Change with Mentoring: Change Can Be Seen
As Opportunity or Danger
Good Mentoring Includes Team Building: Effective
Teamwork Promotes Quality of Care
Module 3: In-Service for Mentors & Mentees:
Sharing Expectations of the Mentoring Relationship
Module 4: Mentoring In-Service for Mentees: How
Mentees Benefit from the Mentoring Relationship |