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Caregivers Corner � February 2003
Institute Receives Grant to Provide Critical Job Training to Long Term Care Employees

The Institute for Caregiver Education was named one of seven recipients of Critical Job Training (CJT) grants announced in September 2002 under the Governor�s Workforce Development Act to provide training and education for high-demand jobs.   The CJT grants have been made possible by a pooling of funds from five state agencies: Labor and Industry, Community and Economic Development, Aging, Education, and Public Welfare to help Pennsylvania workers receive training and education to fill available jobs.

The $247,000 awarded to the Institute will provide healthcare workforce development training to prepare new hires for employment in long term care and to upgrade the skills of incumbent workers at 8 training locations across the state including:

- Broad Mountain Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Frackville
- Menno Haven, Inc., Chambersburg
- Presbyterian Home of the Moshannon Valley, Philipsburg
- Spruce Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, West Reading
- Stonebridge Health & Rehabilitation Center, Duncannon
- Taylor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Taylor
- Towne Manor East, Norristown
- Towne Manor West, Norristown

Project Manager Betty Frandsen RN NHA is coordinating the training being delivered in the nursing centers by three Regional Educators: Jim Kinsey, Carla Frederick, and Myrna Eshleman. Each of the homes participated in pre-training data collection by having their employees and residents complete surveys about their internal culture, satisfaction, and departmental interactions, which will be measured a second time at the close of the training programs. Betty will then display this measured information in comparative tables that are expected to demonstrate that the training produced positive improvements in many areas. She also reviews the responses from participants in each class on a weekly basis to determine the effectiveness of the training programs. Throughout the training Betty works directly with the Administrators and Directors of Nursing in each nursing home to ensure they support the course content their staff members are learning. To date the responses to the classes have been overwhelmingly positive.

The following training is currently underway:

- English as a Second Language for Elder Care Workers
- Career Development Series for Long Term Care Employees
- Leadership Development Series for Long Term Care Managers
- Nursing Assistant Specialist for Elders

Myrna Eshleman teaching Leadership Development Series
to Menno Haven Employees
One employee enrolled in Myrna Eshleman�s Leadership Development Series course commented recently, �This is what we need to develop stronger relationship ties with each other, and to see each other as part of the same team.  We were strong before, but now we will be even stronger with improved communication and conflict resolution skills.�

The grant also provides for each of the participating nursing homes to award two scholarships to nursing assistants or LPNs to further their training toward LPN/RN licensure.

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