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      Director of Communications

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August 28, 2007

One-of-a-Kind Guide Combines Transformational Initiatives with Human Resources Practices

Chambersburg, PA - The Institute for Caregiver Education has just released a guide that offers Human Resources professionals working in long term care settings approaches to their work based in person-centered care practices. The cutting-edge resource is titled Transformative Approaches to Human Resource Leadership. The Institute team has created resources specifically for homes that are engaged in Culture Change at a variety of levels; for administrators, directors of nursing and nursing assistants. Resources have covered Culture Change implementation in many areas. However, until now, there has not been a guide written specifically with Human Resources professionals in mind.

“There has been a great deal of buzz around this resource, and we are so pleased to be able to offer it to homes that are advanced Culture Change practitioners,” says Institute for Caregiver Education President Annette Sanders.

The resource, Transformative Approaches to Human Resource Leadership was unveiled in Minneapolis at the Annual Pioneer Network Conference in August. The resource has been created as a solution for advanced Culture Change practitioners who have questions about marrying the transformational approaches that they are putting into practice in their homes with their Human Resource efforts. This is an advanced level resource, designed only for those individuals and organizations well on their journey of Culture Change.
Human Resource approaches explored in the publication include:

1. Role Descriptions
2. Recruitment Advertising
3. The Application Process
4. Orientation
5. Mentoring
6. Job Coaching
7. Neighborhood Team Development
8. Inclusive Decision Making
9. Performance Appraisals

The product also includes a CD containing all of the worksheets, sample policies/procedures, and forms contained in the resource in Microsoft Word format to give customers the flexibility to modify the forms, and personalize them by inserting their corporate logos.

Transformative Approaches to Human Resource Leadership is available for $109.95 + shipping & handling.

Click here for the Institute's Product Order Form [PDF File]

The Institute for Caregiver Education is a nationally-recognized leader in Culture Change education. For more than 15 years the organization has provided quality caregiver education to nursing homes from California to Maine. Over the last five years the IfCE team has educated hundreds of long-term care professionals on a myriad of Culture Change topics at such national conferences as ASA, NADONA, AAHSA, AHCA, ACHCA, The Pioneer Network, the VA Summit and numerous state associations.

The Institute for Caregiver Education is currently a leading Culture Change educator for a number of state QIO organizations as they work with the 8th Scope of Work and CMS.