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      Allison Lantieri
      Director of Communications

Home >> News & Events >> Training for California QIO a Success

August 11, 2006

Person-Centered Care Trainings for California QIO a Statewide Success

Statewide, CA — The Institute for Caregiver Education was contracted by Lumetra, California’s Quality Improvement Organization to provide statewide person-centered care training seminars in July. The one-day seminars were focused on providing an advanced level of training for providers who already have a basic understanding of person-centered care and the philosophy’s impact on nursing home care and quality improvement.

The day-long seminars took place in Fairfield, Fresno, Pasadena and San Diego in July. Providers from each area were invited to attend the event as Lumetra’s ongoing mission to provide resident-directed care information as part of the guidelines put in place by CMS. Program content included sessions on Person-Centered Care, Staff Mentoring and Neighborhood Teams. Approximately 400 individuals took place in the training sessions, representing more that 70 providers from across the state.

“Our presence in California as a preferred provider of person-centered care education highlights our success as a nationally-recognized leader of education in this industry,” says Jim Kinsey, Director of Corporate Development and Product Services who presented the material. The July trainings followed an earlier Institute led phone conference on leadership that was offered to California long term care providers through Lumetra in January.

The Institute for Caregiver Education is a nationally-recognized leader in Culture Change education. For more than 15 years the organization has provided quality caregiver education to nursing homes from California to Maine. Over the last five years the IfCE team has educated hundreds of long-term care professionals on a myriad of Culture Change topics at such national conferences as ASA, NADONA, AAHSA, AHCA, ACHCA, The Pioneer Network, the VA Summit and numerous state associations. The Institute for Caregiver Education is currently a leading Culture Change educator for a number of state QIO organizations as they work with the 8th Scope of Work and CMS.

For more information about this or other seminars presented by the Institute for Caregiver Education, please call 717-263-7766.