Workplace Instruction Now: Job Related Academic Skills
for Eldercare Workers
Assessing the Costs of Poor Job Skills
How would you rate the job skills of your frontline
caregivers? Low literacy levels, poor math skills, inability
to work without supervision, absenteeism, and overall
poor work performance cost businesses billions of dollars
each year. In the healthcare industry—where so
much depends on workers' ability to read and follow instructions,
communicate effectively with co-workers, and demonstrate
compliance with regulatory requirements—poor job
skills contribute to a decline in quality care.
Consider the impact of the following to the care your
home provides:
- Employees can't understand, read or follow instructions
- Workers require constant supervision
- Failure to complete assigned duties compromises resident
care or safety
- Workers demonstrate low productivity and/or are frequently
- Employees receive poor performance evaluations
- Worker turnover is high
- Employees are unable to fulfill daily record keeping
Enhancing Performance Through Education
The demand for qualified, experienced employees is
now greater than ever. Workplace Instruction Now (WIN)
a 40-hour adult basic education curriculum to enhance
employee performance and give healthcare workers the
skills they need to be successful. The curriculum is
designed to improve workers' critical thinking and problem
solving skills, enhance communication, and enable staff
to work more effectively as team members.
How the Program Works
The WIN curriculum materials include a student workbook
and instructor's companion guide that are customized
to the healthcare environment and are designed to increase
workers' proficiency in a broad range of job-specific
tasks. Regular skill checks measure students' progress
in demonstrating competencies covered. Students learn
by completing “real life” exercises that
depict situations they encounter in the workplace. These
exercises are structured to enhance workers' basic reading,
writing, communication and math skills and include such
topics as:
- Building a working vocabulary of job-related words
and abbreviations
- Communicating and listening effectively at work
- Reading to follow instructions
- Understanding whole numbers and whole number operations
- Working with fractions, decimals and percentages
- Calculating weight records
- Determining the percentage of food intake
- Reading thermometers and calibrated measuring devices
- Inventorying linen
The Benefits of WIN Are Clear
For the Facility:
- Improves quality care
- Improves employee retention
- Decreases hiring, orientation and training-related
- Improves employee performance, versatility, and productivity
- Eases stress on employee supervisors
- Enhances employee morale and loyalty to facility
For the Participants:
- Improves job and “life” performance
- Provides a foundation for future training and career
- Enhances self-esteem
- Improves job satisfaction
Student Workbook Item
Code: WIN-S
Teacher's Companion Edition Item Code: WIN-T
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