Mentoring For Eldercare Workers
The long term care profession is plagued with high
attition rates. This is a resource that will help stem
the tide of attrition by creating a supportive environment
through mentoring. Mentoring for Eldercare
Workers: Education within your Reach is
a 243-page curriculum focuses on improving retention
rates for newly
the work experience of long-term employees.
This 12-hour curriculum sharpens clinical skills and
improves job satisfaction among experienced team members.
It enhances the ability of prospective mentors to remove
barriers that interfere with newly-hired employees becoming
committed and productive team members. Putting this program
in place can strengthen supportive team relationships,
improve consistency of care, and increaser the quality
of life for elders that the team serves. Team members
who successfully complete the program experience added
pride in their work and achieve an increased sense of
empowerment. The greatest benefit of the curriculum is
that it nurtures
a stable workforce, contributing to the well being of
residents and employees alike.
Mentoring Program Session Topics
(Delivered in Six 2-Hour Sessions)
- Why a Mentoring Program is Important; What is a Mentor?
Who Benefits?
- Qualities of a Good Mentor: Communication, Leadership,
- Qualities of a Good Mentor: Managing Stress, Time
- What the Mentee Needs: Integration into the New Work
- Managing Change with Mentoring: Change Can Be Seen
As Opportunity or Danger
- Good Mentoring Includes Team Building: Effective
Teamwork Promotes Quality of Care
This resource also includes:
Implementing the
Mentoring Program "How-To" Guide for
Program Developers
In-Service for
Nursing Home Leaders on Benefits of a Mentoring
Program (Buy-in of Leadership Team is Essential)
Mentoring Orientation
In-Service for Mentees: How Mentees Benefit
from the Mentoring Relationship
In-Service for
Mentors & Mentees: Sharing Expectations
of the Mentoring Relationship
Item Order Code: MENTR
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