Available for a limited time
The Culture Change Toolkit...

Designed by an interdisciplinary team of experts in long term care, this toolkit is packed with resources to get you started on your journey of change:

Foundations of Culture Change: Underlying Principles -- a fact sheet that explains what Culture Change is, highlighting important foundational principles of this philosophy
Culture Change Indicator Survey -- a 48-item survey tool that helps you determine where you are on the Culture Change journey; use the items to get more ideas on how to change the culture in your home
Team Building -- sample lesson plan on teamwork -- a necessity for effective and sustained change in long term care
Toolkit Stress Reliever -- handy stress reliever in the shape of a toolbox
"Chip Away" Poster -- ready-to-frame 4" x 6" card to remind you that Culture Change is a journey of many small steps
"Culture Change Begins with You" -- 8 �" x 11" color poster suitable for framing that reminds you that every person is important in effecting and sustaining positive change
Information about the Institute -- our newsletter, a brochure describing Institute products and services designed with Culture Change in mind, along with a handy rolodex card
Language and Labels Pocket Card -- carry with you some of the keys to Culture Change that serve as a gentle self-reminder and to share with colleagues, etc.

The Culture Change Toolkit is available for a limited time for
a nominal fee of $5 to help defray the costs of shipping & handling.

Click here to print the toolkit order form (PDF - requires Acrobat Reader)

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