Foundations of Nursing Assistant Care
Pennsylvania-Approved Training Nursing Assistant Training
It is widely known that the long term care industry
has one of the highest employee turnover rates of any
profession. Recognizing the critical staffing issues
long term care managers face, the Institute conducts
a nursing
assistant training program approved by the Pennsylvania
Department of Education. Led by PDE-approved
18-day, 126-hour Nursing Assistant Training Program at
approved clinical training sites at the request of long
term care providers in our region. Our training helps
individuals for employment in the long term
care industry
and addresses the most common
barriers to the recruitment and retention of qualified
The Institute's Training Program is Designed to Achieve
the Following Goals:
- Introduce participants to work rules and expectations
within the healthcare industry
- Help participants develop a positive work ethic
that includes self-reliance, personal initiative, and
- Improve participants' communication and customer
service skills with co-workers and clients for whom
they care
- Improve interaction with supervisors and authority
- Enable participants to develop and practice problem-solving,
decision-making and organizational skills
- Deliver competency-based instruction to prepare for
the state competency examination
- Enhance quality care and increase retention of frontline
Training acclimates students to the healthcare
environment and broadens their understanding of the professional,
social and behavioral skills they need to succeed in
their employment. Key Culture Change Principles of Empowerment,
Choice, Community, Respect and Relationships are interwoven
throughout the curriculum. Competency-based classroom
and clinical instruction includes, but is not limited
to, the following:
- Role & Function of the Nursing Assistant
- Safety & Accident Prevention
- Communication Skills - Effective Listening, Managing
- Residents' Rights, HIPAA
- Abuse-Free Resident Care
- Infection Control
- Restorative Nursing - Ambulation, Transfer & Bed
Mobility, Toileting, Range of Motion, ADLs,...
- Documentation
- Psychosocial Needs
- Personal Care Skills - Bathing, Hair Care, Nail Care,
Shaving, Mouth Care, Dressing, Toileting, Catheter
Care, Bed Making,...
- Skin Care, Pressure Ulcers, Skin Tears, Preventive
Measures & Devices
- Positioning
- Mobility - Transferring & Ambulating, Wheelchairs,
Lifts, Fall Prevention
- Nutrition & Special Diets
- Basic Nursing Skills, Vital Signs
- Cognitive Impairment & Managing Difficult Behaviors
- Aging Process - Review of Body Systems
- Dying & Post-Mortem Care
- Resident Assignments (beginning with one and working
up to four residents per student)
- Debriefing and Skills Review (after each day of clinical
Interested long term care providers in the state of
Pennsylvania can contact
the Institute for more information.