Look for good tips about celebrating National Nursing Assistants' Week June
6 - 13, 2002 at www.cna-network.org
the National Network of Career Nursing Assistants. NNCNA, the founder and sponsor of the annual nationwide
The Pioneer Network www.pioneernetwork.net
is a network of people dedicated to supporting elders and those who work with
them. This includes
Iowa CareGivers Association (ICA) www.iowacaregivers.org
is a nonprofit, statewide professional association for direct care workers who
deliver 80 - 90% of the care in Iowa's nursing facilities, home care agencies
and other health care settings. ICA provides education, information,
support and advocacy for those who perform direct care. ICA also conducts
market research relative to direct care recruitment and retention, and wage
surveys, etc.
Visit the Pennsylvania Association of County Affiliated Homes PACAH Online for other useful links
and eGroups.
The Pennsylvania Association of Non-Profit Homes for the Aging www.panpha.org promotes the interests of non-profit
organizations that serve those in need of long-term care services, to enhance those
organizations' ability to provide quality services efficiently and effectively.
The Pennsylvania Health Care Association www.phca.org
is a professional trade organization representing more than 300 for-profit as well as
not-for-profit nursing facilities, personal care homes and CCRCs.
EXPERTLINKS www.expertlinks.com
is a
healthcare and technology consultation, management and training services group that
provides an extensive network of industry resources and professionals to serve a variety
of organizational needs.
Long Term Care Provider.com www.longtermcareprovider.com
is an Internet-based source of information for professionals delivering post-acute care.
The site serves the varied intelligence needs of long-term care professionals
including administrators, directors of nursing, case managers, discharge planners,
purchasing managers and social workers. It offers industry, professional,
legislative, regulatory, research, product and vendor information.